Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Meet my talented roommates in Madrid...

Had to post these videos! These are some of the works of my roommates here in Madrid, they're so talented and they're fantastic! (Ines y Santi).... feelin' lucky

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Cali...I mean Madrid Dreaming...

I have to admit that I really have to push myself to write in this blog now.  It's not like I have nothing to write about, believe me I could completely bore you with my stories, or if you're my mother, have you reading for days. It's just that I think I've hit a point in this whole thing where things are feeling just...normal.  And when things are just normal, when things are just every day life, you feel like what you're living isn't really worth writing about. If I was in Irvine, I highly doubt anyone would care to read what I was doing day to day, or which PA party I attended...I doubt I'd find interest in even writing about that.

Yes, I'm in Spain and living a completely different lifestyle culturally than I'd be if I was in the US, but it's odd how a different lifestyle could really become natural to someone. Its insane how it could only take a month or two for you to adjust to a new place. And if you think about it, in a whole lifetime there are plenty of "two months" in order to adjust to a new place. But believe me, the amount of work and shit I've gone through in the past two months...I'm not quite sure I'd give up just any two months to adjust to a new place...it requires quite a bit of energy to get to the adjusted point I am in now.

I don't want to write and while I write get through all of the things that I've been thinking so I'll just write it in bits....

ONLY SOME of the things I've learned and realized...

I don't think I've ever been more patriotic in my life than I am now.  The United States is me, I am the United States. Thank you for your political correctness, diverse choice of foods, the convenience of getting anything done quickly and efficiently and on time, friendly people, advanced technology, for making all dollar amounts the same size and for taking good care of my family. To that I'll sing, Godbless America, that one country song that they always play during the firework show at 4th of July.

The beach, trees, mountains, landscapes....what I would give to lay and fall asleep on the sand, with the sun kissing my face...the sun reminding me that he loves me most when in California, I'm almost sure of it. The trees sway differently in California, I'm convinced that trees are so much happier when they're swaying under the California sun in the California breeze. I'm daydreaming of...Venice beach on a summer day, sandals all day everyday, beach hair cause I just don't care, sun kissed skin... a rainy day in Irvine, with my rainboots, trying to catch the shuttle bus...running into friendly faces, avoiding friendly face because you didn't comb your hair that morning, fresh southern California air, the smell of freshly cut grass....

Waking up on a Saturday morning to the smell of burritos de huevo con chorizo, and my mother's beautiful face. My father laying on the couch watching football probably, blowing me a huge smooch while I pass the living room. My sisters...my sisters...

BUT DONT GET ME WRONG....I love Spain and hey, it's home now. And today next year, I'll most likely be whining how I miss the way sun creates the most beautiful shadows against tall, paint-chipped buildings, the sounds of the acordeon in the distance, people dining in the streets, people sitting in circles in a park just sipping on wine or beer having a great time, feeling like living alone in a large city isn't impossible, the convenience of catching the metro, that setting of an old spanish film, dim lighting, the smell of...ham?? and one word: SANGRIA.

Not trying to toot my own horn, but I feel like I can do anything now...finding an apartment in a different language...check, going to class where the professor lectures in Spanish...no prob! Traveling from place to place, finally holding my head up high like I own this city...oh you know it.

This city is mine. I own it because I know it. Tourists? Get outtaaa ma wayy...I'm trying to get home/to the store/to class...(whatever). Oh and just let me know if you wanna roll through....

Now that i'm adjusted, I find myself asking what I need to do next...of course. Because for some reason, and even my mother can tell you this, I can never JUST CHILL. Celeste can be lazy but Celeste is always ready for her next challenge or adventure...and then she'll probably complain about it later, and then later after that say she loves it...Celeste has a problem.

I went to a party last night at my friend Lea's apartment. She an Erasmus student, from France who I met at a hostel. I had the most amazing experience...meeting people from different parts of the world, attempting to share one language that none of us really know all too well. That was one experience I wouldn't give back if you held California hostage

And yet there are many...there are plenty...SANGRIA...is another.

Sweet mother and father of mine...I am healthy, I am eating, I have a nice place to call home, I go to church on Sundays, attend school on weekdays. I'm understanding, learning, growing, tasting foods, taking in sights and sounds, and thinking BIG.

I am here, I am all eyes, I am all ears, all mind, all soul... but my heart is always home.
(you like that ending dont you)