Sunday, June 3, 2012

I want to dance with my books

I'm going to be one of those girls who explains what reading makes her feel. Mainly, because I just can't help but feel like expressing to someone or in this case, something, how deeply passionate and in love I am with reading.

I am in love with books. I am in love with the way they make me feel. They give me inspiration, ideas, they make me feel like I am not alone. They make me feel like I am not crazy. They show me that are people just like me, that there are people crazier, more afraid, more angry, lost, wilder and hungrier for something. They make me want to be more than who I am, and they show me that so much can be done under any circumstance. Books are therapeutic, they reassure you of life, they reassure you of an outcome to any dramatic twist or turn, sad event, upset truth. They open the mind giving thought to things that were never once pondered or anticipated. They test you, challenge you. Books make you feel. Printed words make you feel, because they come from somewhere. They come from a PLACE. A place that exists in SOMEONE ELSE's mind. Which is creepy. Its so creepy, it becomes an art to reveal those thoughts which come from those places--because it is very difficult task to do. It is difficult to communicate to someone your story and truly enthrall or captivate them in your work.

This is why I don't just like my favorite authors, I love them. Because they have found their way into my soul. And although they do not know me, they did something special for me without probably even knowing they would.